What happened to Cooper

Some of you wonder what happened to the sweet dachshund, who inspired me to start breeding dachshunds in the first place. Well, he and I enjoyed a wonderful 6 years together before the tragic accident that took him forever. One of the things I mentioned in my previous post was that Cooper loved to follow me everywhere, and that we live on my parents ranch. Well, in April 2022, I was visiting with my sweet Great Aunt Margaret up at my parents house, and realized it was getting late so I started to walk home. Shortly after walking down the road, my husband, who was heading home, pulled up with his truck and offered me a ride. It was a windy, chilly evening and I gratefully jumped in the truck. As we drove down the road, we heard barking from one of the large ranch dogs and then Cooper bark. Before we had time to understand the situation, and stop, we felt the truck run something over. Words cannot express the pain and heartache of losing my Cooper. Thinking that if i had I just had him in my arms in our truck, he would still be here. My heart aches now as I write this. It has been close to a year. He was killed instantly, as he must have run too close to the truck that night, barking at one of the large the ranch dogs. We wept on the road and our hearts broke. I went through a long period of mourning my sweet dog. Losing a dog is a painful part of life and losing them early can feel like such a robbery. We buried him here on the ranch. I will never forget my first dachshund. His love for me and his companionship. It was a closeness I had not felt with any other dog in my life. Late in 2022, my sweet husband got Cody, as a blessing to my sad heart and Cody has been huge joy for me. He loves to snuggle and is learning to follow me, however, now, he always rides in the truck and never trots home with the big dogs. Cooper and Cody have been a wonderful part of my life and I hope as we settle these puppies into their new homes, they will bring as much joy as Cooper and now Cody were and are to us.


Why Dachshunds?